Weight Loss and What Not

Tamika Lee Rob
3 min readFeb 28, 2021


So, I’m back at it again. Working to get the body in line with the mind and heart. But trust the body follows the mind and the heart is where the desire is. So, this time I am leading with love. The math is my body will weigh what every my mind says it will. My heart when is is full is light as a feather and flexible. I know when the math ain’t mathing, its not my heart to my body that really needs it is my heart.

What hurt you boo? Who did it!

That is the question that I too seldom ask myself Prolly, because I already know that the main culprit is me. I hurt me. Doing and also not doing things that I know would give me the things I want and need. So, big gurl panties have to be pulled on and in realizing that I hurt me, that I can also heal me. Any body else, that is all in the past, and I can let go of what no longer serves me, Right now, not once I hut a weight goal or a dress size or can do however many burpees is punishment or impressive enough at the moment.

But rite now. when the muffin top is muffin-ing, and the weight is closer to 300 than 200. So yeah, now.

But I can be in the now like Brazilian music, it doesn’t have to be all Hip Hop to the now. All the time, and trust my mainstay is Hip Hop to the now, but I’ve realized that I can sometimes just be like the crooning of Maggie, Maggie, Maggie-nolia.

I’m a Chicagoan, and I love to describe it as north Mississippi for some and north Arkansas fo others. The blues is real for me, I get it sometimes you need the lament, I have learned that my God can take it. So, I can take a rest break and let it out and deal with the realities of my now and where my want to’s and should to’s don’t link up.

I know that I love a city that people from the inside call Chi-town and people on the outside call a name that is akin to war torn countries. That distance on what it is on the inside and what the world thinks it is on the outside is vast and wide. But it ain’t really real. It is all just story. And stories are there to be told and be written and rewritten.

So the weight thing is just that, just a story that you tell yourself about what you should allow gravity to hold to the earth. Dassit.

And once you realize that your heart says ok, I can let down some of these walls and fortresses of thighs and tummy and what not. Because She is going to protect us because she knows that we determine our reality from the inside out, and not the other way around.

